Behar Brands, the Brand and Business Development Ioncubator, is ION’s heart and soul. Led by ION Network Founder, CEO and Chief Executive Athleteâ„¢ Dave Behar, Behar Brands ioncubates, collaborates, funds, founds, co-founds, leads, influences, shapes, builds, represents, manages, licenses, owns or operates a select portfolio of some of the world’s greatest Global, National and Local brands, Digital Platforms – on the shelf, off the shelf, in real estate, digital real estate, e-commerce and in related technology, media, sports, health and nutrition platforms and products.
“Dave Behar in business and brand success along with intuition magic, is spoken from out point of view, in the same paragraph with music’s Danny Elfman and entrepreneurial acumen and breadth of Sir Richard Branson, Mark Cuban and Marc Benioff.”